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Controversy over Contrails. | CTV Atlantic News
"Anyone who is truly awake can surely tell that sky in the photo does NOT look normal. Growing up in the 70's & 80's I was fascinated with aircraft, and the planes I observed never left that mess in the sky. The correct term for what is occurring in our skies today is 'geoengineering'. Unlike what Cindy says, many scientific studies HAVE concluded as such, and whistle blowers have come forward."
Read more: over Contrails. | CTV Atlantic News
Read more: over Contrails. | CTV Atlantic News
Monday, July 21, 2014
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014
IDLE NO MORE - Brent Peckachase & Ernie Bruno
That was gist of the response Canada’s information commissioner received when, during the course of a recent investigation, she asked the Department of Public Works for a series of emails sent by political staff.
The same thing happened when deputy Liberal leader Ralph Goodale asked for documents on the Senate expenses scandal from the Privy Council Office. He too was looking for emails involving a political staff member.
The basic argument was the same: the department doesn’t have any control over records in the minister’s office, and political staff aren’t covered by the Access to Information Act anyway.
But that’s not the whole picture.
A 2011 Supreme Court decision on ministerial records and access to information said it is the content of the documents — not where they are located — which determines whether they fall under the Act.
“What the court said was that ministers’ offices were not meant to be black holes,” Information Commissioner Suzanne Legault said in an interview.
“If they have departmental records, those records can in some circumstances be under the control of the department.”
In Legault’s case, she eventually received the records after issuing a production order. And she found records that were in fact under her purview. The emails she obtained led to her conclusion last week that three Conservative staffers had interfered in the access to information system.
Another of her findings centred squarely on her difficulty in getting the documents, which were not being properly stored inside the minister’s office as departmental material.
The test for determining whether a document in a minister’s office is under the control of a department involves two main questions: does the record deal with a departmental matter, and could a senior bureaucrat reasonably get a copy of that record if he or she asked for it?
The case is raising questions about just how forthcoming government departments are about the records they hold, and whether ministers’ offices are properly storing and categorizing their documents.
“I think the government here is pretty fast and loose with the (access) rules, and it’s an area that their credibility is pretty much in tatters,” said Goodale.
“It’s an area where the information commissioner should be asked to offer some fresh advice in the light of all of this.”
Another issue raised by Legault — one that became a central issue in the Senate spending affair — is how long records created by political staffers are preserved.
In the case of emails sent by the prime minister’s lawyer Benjamin Perrin, who had knowledge of a $90,000 secret payment to Sen. Mike Duffy, the PCO originally told Goodale a search of records under the department’s “control” turned up nothing.
They also told the RCMP they had been deleted.
It later turned out they had actually been preserved for an unrelated legal matter, but the fact was they could have easily gone in the trash. They were subsequently provided to the Mounties.
The Canadian Press was recently told by the PCO, in relation to an access to information request, that backup copies of emails are only kept for 30 days. It is the person who writes the email who makes the decision on whether they should be preserved.
Legault raised this issue of preservation with the Treasury Board Secretariat last year, noting that instant messages between officials were not being properly stored, meaning the process behind government decisions was going undocumented.
The Treasury Board eventually put out a new set of guidelines on dealing with records inside a minister’s office, reminding employees that information doesn’t have to physically reside outside of that office to be considered under the control of the department.
“Unless a government official makes a conscious effort to record that information elsewhere, it is lost to the public,” Legault wrote. “This duty to record is one of the casualties of the instant messaging environment.”
paganmedia On February - 11 - 2012
Exclusive Interview with Brent Peckachase- Allegation Some Indian Chiefs On The Give & Grab With Government Approval Of Modern Day Genocide!
Aris-Arnelle Durocher- Exclusive Interview with Brent Peckachase BurnstickAlright now I am going to enter into some dark and/or Grey territory if you will with my exclusive interview with Brent Peckachase from the Alexander First Nation, Treaty 6 Territory (Alberta). Brent had contacted me on November 28/2011 to do this interview with him, he wanted to tell his story of what he has been fighting for a long time in terms of Alleged Corruption on his reservation. I waited until now, because there was the signatories of the complaint were waiting for a response from the CGA, then they were waiting for a possible appeal. I also like to weigh things out and reflect on everything that I had in my notes before publishing the Interview.
Brent has first hand experience to the answer of what potentially happens with some of the money that is given from the Government on some First Nations Reservations and with some Native Indian Chiefs who are bought by the Government.
These corrupt chiefs along with corrupt government officials basically allocate the money given to the reservations for the people into their own pockets, their personal gain with their special personal projects. Basically they are chiefs for profit and to hell with the suffering of their own people.
In fact some of these chiefs will not respond to inquires by the people on the reserves to where the money is at, in fact, some of them only will advise those few that they have trained and adore. I.E That they favor.
That said... It is not like the Government is not aware of this going on, with some of the reservations and chiefs, band council. They are well aware of it according to sources other then Brent. In fact Brent advises he would attribute that truth to all three levels of government in Canada. I would venture to say that there is no way that any Government is giving millions of dollars without knowing what is happening to the money and how it is being spent.
In fact on Attawapiskat they put their financial records online, in which the Federal Government of Canada signs off on. In turn 10 Federal Government officials also visited Attawapiskat and saw the conditions, yet they never raised any red flags after those visits. In turn I also suspect that the Federal Government had people visit several reservations across this country and like Attawapiskat they never raised any red flags about the third world living conditions that First Nations Indians in this country are made to live in while the Government of Canada toasts themselves on fairness, equality and being multi-cultured.
Brent advised the following:
On the Alexander First Nation, Treaty 6 Territory in Alberta there was a pending outcome of a complaint in which the reservation seems to be entrenched with an alleged crooked leader(s). It is alleged by band members that Chief Herb Arcand uses the band money from the Government mostly for his own personal projects.
Apparently the Chief's Home is enhanced while the people in Treaty 6 live in the similar fashion that we have witnessed for Attawapiskat. This complaint was signed by Brent Peckachase and others of the band on the Alexander First Nation Reservation.
Brent advises that his house and many other houses on the reserve are also falling apart and while money was received from the Federal Government of Canada that Chief Herb Arcand will not respond to the people to where the money is going, yet the people on the Alexander First Nation Reservation don't see it going to them for their basic needs and necessities.
In essence, this seems to be.... a controlled environment with the combined effort of The Chief, the Band Council and some members of the three levels of government to keep the people in poverty.
We have read similar things all across Canada with some of the First Nations Chiefs. Some Not All Chiefs are on the give and grab, basically the Chiefs with some Government members are on the take and are not just robbing First Nations people to enhance and benefit their lives they are robbing the Canadian Taxpayer, which is all of us in this country.
In fact there was a pro media newspaper in that Province (Alberta)... that was going to do an exclusive regarding the Alexander First Nation's detriment when the Chief at that time and Band Council threatened to sue the newspaper. So they backed off. Which I find odd, any media outlet is protected by the law in essence of truth and free speech.
IMO the only way that threat was taking seriously was because the Government was aware of what was going to happen..... and ..... made certain that the truth would never reach the newspapers.
How could they not know. If the Federal Government of Canada is setting aside money for these reservations, how could they not know that money is not being allocated with what the money was meant to do. How could they not know that some members on three levels of government are dipping in the cookie jar and helping themselves to the money while denying Indian peoples and little children a better way of life.
They in my opinion have to know. There are all kinds of issues regarding money being put aside we see parents fighting for monies for their disabled children, yet both the Federal Government and Provinces holds up the money and doesn't want to give it up to what it was meant to do.
However... with the plight of Attawapiskat and Wasagamack that no longer applies, it can no longer be hidden and the suffering of people including children must end.
The Corruption in this, no matter who the leader is, Non Native or Native must be dealt with and eradicated off the reservations and out of Government.IMO.
As Canadians we simply cannot continue to close our eyes, ignore and stand by in blissful ignorance while Native peoples across this country suffer. I have been told by a friend in the USA the same things that I have written here in articles can be applied to the status of First Nations in the United States of America.
It is evident that his reigning chief at Alexander First Nation Treaty 6 in Alberta is not a first time experience for the people. In fact it is alleged by the peoples that this Chief and past Chiefs all of the same lineage/family have all did the same thing and helped themselves to the funding provided for the people. Again it is with knowledge that all three levels of Government in Canada are aware of this situation with crooked chiefs.
Brent finally received a letter from CGA regarding the complaint. However I must say they act in my view in an unprofessional way when they liaison with people that complain.
1. It is usually customary that any government organization makes sure all complainants receive a copy of any decision in an complaint. In the CGA's case they only sent it to one of the persons. They give the excuse that the signatory's on the complaint agreed to it and it was checked off, still since when do they only send a copy to one person to distribute to others. That is very unprofessional on the part of the Complaints Inquiry Committee.
2. Second by the time Mr Peckachase received his copy it was to late for an appeal, even though he asked that the appeal process be extended.
3. According to Peckachase other signatories did not receive a copy as well.
4. It was really up to the CGA that oversees these complaints to ensure that all signatories of the complaint get their own personal copy of any decisions they made or directions of appeals. They failed to do this on this complaint! I almost got the feeling that the disadvantaged was taken advantage of without proper consultation and a blatant lack of disregard for this complaint. Almost like a road block to resolution without any defined reasons why the complaint was dismissed. I.E. It is one thing to quote there was lack of evidence, however they did not bother to go into why they ruled on lack of evidence. They also did not advise the complaints on what needed to be submitted to have them have a second look at the complaint before the appeal process. I just find it a quasi substandard beaucratic process that serves as a front line promoting in some cases the message of here we are but we are not going to do anything about your complaint.
The CGA's mission and values they state on their site is as follows:
CGA Alberta is a self-regulating organization of professional accountants, created in the interests of Albertans, to establish, promote and enforce the professional competency and ethical standards of the CGA membership, to develop, promote and protect the CGA identity, and contribute effectively to the evolving role of professional accountants in society.
CGA Alberta Values
CGA Alberta upholds the values of trust, integrity, leadership, excellence and respect as the cornerstone of our designation. We place the public interest and trust above all others, we facilitate and regulate the highest professional standards within our organization, we promote responsible stewardship and innovation, we deliver relevant services to our stakeholders with innovation and quality, and we respect the dignity of all individuals in everything we do.
Letter posted on this site with prior permission from Mr Brent Peckachase Burnstick- This letter cannot be posted without prior permission from signatory named in caption.
The bottom line is that some members on the Alexander First Nations Treaty 6 Territory (Alberta) do not feel that they are benefiting from monies put aside for all of the band on that reservations. They have went to the system who in my personal opinion acted unprofessional in terms of communication with all the signatories on the complaint against the Bands financial Controller Nick Nath of the Government Legislative Body.
Yet the system acted in a degree that was less then desirable on handling the complaint. In fact they really didn't give the signatories of the complaint any reason why they denied the complaint, other then they ruled that there was insufficient evidence. However have the same committed visited this reservation and perhaps the Chiefs house to see the difference. Better yet has the Federal Government, Provincial Governments visited to see that the people are not getting the money, what Canadian taxpayers money was meant to do when that money was set aside.
Letter posted on this site with prior permission from Mr Brent Peckachase Burnstick- This letter cannot be posted without prior permission from signatory named in caption.
I think a simple solution would be as follows, that the Governments makes damn sure that every dollar that is set aside for Reservations actually is used to enhance and benefit the people and not leaders of Native and Non Native Status. That is in saying that may it be Chiefs, Councils or Government Legislative bodies on any level of Government that they must issue a bill of receipts to where the money is spent, give a signed declaration of how what their purchase for materials and goods where used for and that every person that lives on the reservation that is legally eligible to sign their names, approve the declaration given to the government. If any peoples on the reservations reject the bill of declared costs for submission to the governments, then it is up to the Governments on behalf of Canadians citizens to investigate and bring any corruption to a halt with judicial measures. ( since this is all of our money jointly that we are talking about here).
So far our Governments on the Federal Level look incompetent, because they can't tell us where the money for a reservation like Attawapiskat has went, although the Chief of the Reservation has been very forward and the bill of costs is online which the Government has signed off on. Perhaps there is to many people on Government level handling the money and somewhere someone is pocketing money for themselves or other projects.
One way or the other corruption has to end on Reservations across this country. It is devastating to any Canadian to know that in 2011-2012 that we have Canadian Citizens and our oldest Inhabitants of this country living in poverty conditions. Despite what some news media try to put out there that so many reservations are doing well. That is simply NOT true and the pro media should NOT hoodwink Canadians that so many reservations are doing well, when they are using the fact that but a few are doing well in this country.
In ending Mr Brent Peckachase offered the following, that he has worked feverishly to expose corrupt Chiefs and Councils working with INAC which enables modern day genocide on First Nations Reservations across North America. A modern day genocide that is caused by corruption and greed of monies by both some members of government and some Native Chiefs and Councils, that never reaches the benefit of people in the band on reservations.
Mr Peckachase and others on the reservation alleges that these past Chiefs were also crooked with Government compliance
Past Alleged Crooked Chiefs:
2002-2005 Victoria Arcand
2005-2008 Raymond Arcand (deceased)
2008-2011 Allan Paul
Herbert (chubby) Arcand 2011-2014
It almost strikes me as a game of chance, the Federal Governments and other levels of Government want to forever dictate and oppress First Nations Indians, so some of them turn a blind eye to corruption so they can have reservations in such a state of poverty that they will force Indians of their lands and territories to turn it over for big business. What a deceitful inhumane way to treat Native Indians across North America in a new century. In short these corrupt systems don't want Indians to do well, in my view! They want Indians to fail, so they can take over the Native Spirit, Cultures, lands and dictate in their lives. However it will NOT work!
Brent Peckachase also offered that in his own personal band there was a system of generational family corruption in the Arcand family from past chiefs and the same result, the people don't benefit but the reigning Chiefs and their Yes people do! It is not up to the Chiefs to designate who gets the money, the money is for every band member to enhance things like housing etc...
Mr Peckachase has one final offering to the conflict of the corruption on the reservations which is " Prove him wrong! I thought about this statement by Mr Peckachase and wondered was he just picking a fight, then upon reflection I understood in a flash why he makes this statement. He is asking the hierarchy, Government and any Legislative bodies involved in this, if he and others on the Reservations are wrong with his allegations, then Prove them wrong.
The reason he is asking this and not really challenging them, is because.... where the money is being spent is being concealed and kept from the people on the Alexander Firsts Nations Treaty 6 people and they don't' see how they benefit from this money! They are still living the same with no improvements, even though money is said by the Federal Government of Canada to be put aside and sent to improve conditions.
Really, it remains to be seen and time will tell what is really going on with this money on the Reservations. I think that all Canadian Taxpayers from all walks of life are nationally interested in this and will be watching to see improvements and explanations. We all reserve the right to know how the Government is using our taxpaying money in this country!
The very bottom line is that Attawapiskat serves as a wake up call that there is something very wrong with the fact that the Government says millions upon millions of dollars are given to each reservation when the below poverty conditions tells a different story of truth.
Where is the money! What is being done with the money? That Question is for all levels of Government that has anything to do with this money set aside, any other businesses such as the CGA that has anything to do with it and for the First Nations Chiefs and Councils. What exactly is being done with the money!
Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Pagan Media That Bites .Com 2007-2012
Acknowledgements: Mr Brent Peckachase Burnstick
From the documentary "End Of The Line," originally published at
Brent Burnstick takes us on a tour of Alexander First Nation, the first reserve on the Enbridge Northern Gateway corridor.
The proposed pipeline would transport corrosive, heavy bitumen from the Alberta oil sands to tankers on the BC coast. With support from the Canadian government and right-wing media outlets, Enbridge appears poised to push the pipeline through.
First Nations are among the most vocal opponents of the project. But Enbridge has been going down the line, quietly buying support. Now Brent fears his own band leaders have secretly signed a deal.
Brent Burnstick, a Cree First Nation man from the Alexander First Nation in Alberta, Canada. He is a 2nd generation survivor of the Indian Residential Schools.
To contact him emailed: Email:
Panel: Kevin Annett, Russ Letica, David Little Eagle, Nell Cole and Bill Annnett
Hidden No Longer: Genocide in Canada, Past and Present (2010) by Kevin Annett is the most thorough, documented body of evidence ever published concerning the planned genocide in Canadian Indian residential schools.
It can be viewed in its entirety at .
Written & Directed by: Zakee Kuduro
Produced by: Energy Action Coalition & Zakee Kuduro
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